3 Ways to Deal with Microphone Problems on Discord

The world has become a global village. The more we are disconnected from people around us, the more we are connected to people who are far away. To connect us with friends and like-minded people, technological experts have designed online mediums for us. 

These mediums range from Facebook to Discords. These are not the only two! Of course, thousands of mediums are available. However, all the mediums vary in their popularity among the masses. 

So we have found the medium. What is next?

You guessed it right! Microphones are breathtakingly important whenever connecting yourself with peers through online mediums. It will be a cause of great discontent if your microphone doesn’t connect with the medium you are using. 

To lessen your burden, this article is jotted down. The article has taken discord as an example and has tried to highlight things we can do when the discord mic is not working. 

Stay connected for details! 

What is Discord? 

If you are a Whatsapp person, you have little idea of Discord. Discord is an online platform similar to other platforms like Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger, and Twitter. 

Through Discord, you stay connected to your companions and family members who are physically not close to you. You can share pictures, audio, and videos with them through this platform. Millions of people across the globe use this platform for maintaining connections with their friends, partners, and communities. 

What Should You Do if Discord Microphone Doesn’t Seem to Work Well? 

Well, it is quite a disheartening issue. But it is easy to fix. It is not something for which you would have to cry your heart out or break the bank. 

We don’t promise that the article has underwritten all the solutions. Of course, it is not possible to encapsulate all the solutions in one article. Though, it has talked about some of the solutions.

Let’s jump into the solutions! 

  1. Check the Voice Settings on Discord

This is the most convenient thing you can do whenever you face any relevant issue. You don’t need a degree to do this. Whoever you are, wherever you are, you can do it on your own. 

Let’s discuss the steps;

  1. Go to the Settings icon present on the bottom side of the main page of Discord. 
  2. Once you click that, a down menu bar will show up with quite a few options like Notifications, Text and Appearance, Images, Games, Keybinds, and Voice and Video. 
  1. Keep in mind that the list has more options than the ones mentioned above. 
  2. From these options, click on ‘Voice and Video’. A new page will appear. On that page, jump to the option that says ‘Reset Voice Settings.
  3. When you click on Reset Voice Settings, two lines will appear that would ask you if you want to go for it, as it will reset all the local mutes and previous voice settings. These lines are backed by two options; Cancel and Okay. 
  4. Click on the ‘Okay’ and enjoy your time with friends and family. 

Before making a call to your best friend, make sure you speak something into the mic to determine its effectiveness and efficiency. 

  1. Go for the Latest Version of the Audio Driver

The majority of microphone issues occur because of an incompetent audio driver that has passed its days and desperately needs an update. 

For updating the audio drivers, you can use either of the two mechanisms; 

  • Updating Audio Driver Via Driver Easy 

If you are someone who always has so much on his table and has no time to invest in such issues. Then this method is going to work for you. As it will automatically do the right thing for you once you reach out to it and shares your problem with it. 

All you need to do is go to Driver Easy. Driver Easy will detect your Windows software, in short, your system, and will detect the audio driver that will suit your audio card perfectly. Once the detection is complete, the audio driver will be updated after you download and install it. 

Downloading and installation are easy once you know the correct version for your system. Right? 

  • Go For Manual Method 

If you are someone who adores technology, software, and systems, then this method is going to work for you. As people like you love to explore the world of gadgets, software, and applications. 

In comparison to the previous method, it is going to cost you your time and attention. Keep this thing in mind before choosing it.

After you choose this option for yourself, just go to the official website of the audio card manufacturing company. There, an option saying ‘Update Driver’ will appear. Click on that and enjoy your time. 

Keep in mind that all the efforts you made will go in vain if the audio driver you install doesn’t match your system. 

If you have ever been in a relationship, you would know by now how important compatibility is in a relationship. The same is true for audio drivers and systems. If both are not compatible, things will not work for you. 

  1. Test Your External Microphone

Before investing money in something new, properly check out whatever you have. The problem might be the slightest one that could be solved readily at home. 

Don’t jump to the conclusion if you have faced issues with the discord microphone. Check out the same external mic with a bunch of other applications to see if the response is the same or changed. If the response is the same, it means something is wrong with the mic. If the response is not the same, it means you need to explore the voice settings in Discord. 

Final Statement 

Discord mic not working is a common problem of the users. The cause of it could range from the slightest glitches to issues with the system. Whatever the reason might be. The article has put together some of the ways by which we can fix the microphone problems on Discord. All the solutions are easy to apply and need no expertise. Stay tuned for future updates!

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