How To Turn On Microphone – Know To Test Microphone Online

If you have been looking for guides on turning on the microphone and running the microphone test online, you are at the right place. We have penned down easy to understand guide. You can see the details.

You can turn on or turn off the microphone by simply accessing the settings. Rest; use a reliable tool that helps you run a mic test online efficiently and with no trouble.

How to turn on the microphone?

  • The microphone icon is generally on the main screen’s lower right or an upper right section.
  • If you check the icon, the mic will be turned on.
  • Unchecking the mic icon will make it turned off.
  • Accessing the settings makes you to control the mic operations with ease.

How to turn on the microphone test online?

You can quickly run a microphone test online by following the below-mentioned guide. Here is how this method goes in a series of steps:

  1. Access a reliable tool that gives you honest and genuine results regarding whether your mic is in a workable condition. Many fake testing tools are available online, avoid using and accessing them. They give unreal results and thus seem to be so useless.
  2. Once you have chosen a reliable tool, click on the check microphone button, and a test will be conducted.
  3. Speak for 30 seconds to 1 minute and check the recording.
  4. If the recording quality is OK, it means your mic is running fine. And if the audio quality is poor, you must repair your mic as soon as possible.

Is it safe to run the microphone test online?

Yes, it is entirely safe to run the microphone test online. 100% privacy is guaranteed, and the recording does not get uploaded anywhere. Many online mic testing tools have been launched till now; you can try out any of them.  If there is an important conference call, podcast or live-streaming session coming at your end, you must test the mic quality beforehand. In this case, these online mic testing tools can help you in the right direction. 

What to do if the microphone fails to perform a test or check?

At times, microphones fail to perform a test or check. In other words, they do not allow the online testing tool to be checked by them. So, what to do in this situation? If you encounter any of these errors, there is a specific criterion to deal with them. 

  • During the process of microphone checking, there is a chance that the mic will get disconnected. If such a thing happens, you must check the audio device driver or sound card.
  • You need to ensure that the microphone cable is in working condition and not damaged. Plug the cable securely and properly into the computer.
  • Thoroughly and properly test the windows sound system. Clear audio should be coming out from the PC speakers. You can double-check the settings by accessing the Windows Control Panel.
  • If there is still a problem, running the test with a different microphone is advisable. And if you see a difference in results and audio quality, it means the previous mic has become damaged and needs repairing.
  • Remember if the microphone is connected to a mic-in jack and the PC comes with both front and jack. In this case, it is recommended to connect the mic to the back side of the jack.

How to improve the microphone audio quality if the test score is low?

If the test score is low, there are specific hacks which you can try out to improve the microphone audio quality. 

  • You must check the system compatibility. There is a chance that your mic and PC system are not compatible with each other. If this happens, the mic will not run on your computer or produce poor audio quality.
  • The presence of corrupted drivers generates the worst audio quality. Malfunctioned drivers lead to microphone device failure eventually.
  • Furthermore, faulty hardware might not produce up-to-the-mark audio quality. Repairing the hardware will undoubtedly improve the audio content.
  • In addition, you must check connections! By this, we mean the cable and device should be appropriately connected to your PC. A broken cable or faulty mic device will result in lots of errors and issues.
  • Updating windows remains a must! We all know that updated windows take feedback whenever logs of errors occur and provide on-time solutions. So, if the mic device becomes defective or fails to perform a test, updated windows might offer a workable solution to the user. Thus, updating the system solves many issues in one easy go.
  • The last solution is to run the windows troubleshooting system. In doing so, you will be able to spot errors quickly and fix them right on time. For example, if the mic is not working or the test score has become relatively low. This respective system will help you identify where the actual problem exists.


That is all about the in-depth explanation of how to turn on the microphone/microphone test online. If there still exists any confusion, you can let us know. Using the testing tool to check the audio quality has always been effective and valuable.

The score of these tests gives a general idea to the user regarding how clear and crisp his mic can generate audio during the podcast, live stream, recording any stuff or during a conference call. If the score is high, your mic is in excellent condition. And if the score is too low, your mic needs repairing, and the issue should be solved immediately.

You can keep tuned with us so that further information on the online audio quality testing tools can be shared with you. If you have experienced using an online testing tool, you can let us know whether they helped you out in the right direction or not.

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