How To Turn Off Microphone On iPhone

Turning off the iPhone microphone! Yes, that is 100% achievable now, and no technicalities are involved. Here we have penned down the quickest and hassle-free method, which will tell you how to turn off the microphone on your iPhone. Go ahead and give it a read!

To give you a quick solution, you just have to disable or uncheck the little mic toggle on the iPhone’s main screen. Voila, you are done, and your mic is 100% muted! With this practice, Siri and other apps cannot access your microphone.
How To Turn Off Microphone On iPhone

You can check out further details of this guide. Hopefully, you will find it easier to follow:

Guide to turning off/switching off microphone on iPhone

If you do not want Siri and other apps to record your voice and respond to them accordingly, then it is recommended to turn off your microphone in the first go.

  1. The first step is to open up the iPhone Settings app by clicking on the gear icon.
  2. Scroll to the Privacy settings page.
  3. Click on the switch icon Microphone.
  4. You will get a list of menu apps. What you need to do is to check the apps which you want your microphone to access. And uncheck all those apps you do not wish your mic to access.
  5. Tap the icon slider, which is located next to each app. As soon as the icon slider turns gray, it means the microphone has been turned off for that app.
  6. That is all; you are done! The process is easy, and no complications are there. This is the straightforward method we have conveyed to you and is usually recommended by the experts.

How to turn off the mic to stop Siri from accessing it?

There are primary and easiest ways which stop Siri from accessing your microphone.

  • The first way is to disable Siri. This way, it will not be able to listen to anything from Apple apps. In addition, it will no longer respond to voice commands.
  • The second way is to toggle dictation. In this manner, you can shut down Siri completely. 

Thus, these are two ways to stop Siri from accessing your microphone.

Why turn off the iPhone microphone?

Many reasons have been explained that push individuals to turn off their iPhone microphones. You can also share your thoughts regarding when it is most suitable and appropriate to turn off and turn on the iPhone mic. 

  • Primarily it is due to privacy reasons. Remember that the iPhone microphone remains on by default. It will continue to hear you when you say, Hey, Siri. So, turn off the microphone manually if you feel like doing so.
  • Accessing the iPhone settings app will guide you on how to disable the microphone functioning and Hey Siri. If you think the situation is inappropriate and your mic should not be turned on, turn it off and unmute it immediately. 
  • We all know that iPhone’s microphone has become a handy tool when it comes to doing hands-free commands as well as dictation. But at times, people prefer turning off their iPhone mic. They believe a mic when turned on 24/7 can backfire negatively. So, it is better and appropriate to turn it off.
  • You never know when you accidentally call your boss in the middle of the night, and the microphone is turned on, and he hears all which seems to be private stuff. Such a situation will become unpleasant. The simple piece of advice is to turn off the mic during these kinds of conditions and circumstances.
  • You must turn off the microphone to prevent miscommunication and not allow anyone to hear your private recordings. Disabling the iPhone mic is the best and most suitable practice you must opt for.

How to know that the iPhone microphone is turned on?

There is a simple and easy way to determine that! A small orange dot appearing on the upper-right-hand corner of the iPhone screen tells that the microphone is turned on. If there is no orange dot, it means the mic is turned off. Furthermore, you will spot a green dot if the iPhone camera is in use.

Rest, for muting the microphone, you only have to tap the Mute icon. The icon comes in a mic shape. If you tap the icon, the diagonal line passes through it showing that the mic has been muted.

There is another crucial point that the iPhone microphones always remain on. In other words, they are on by default. The iPhone mic will continue to hear you and collect your voice. You can disable the microphone function by accessing the iPhone’s Settings app.

Thus, you can now quickly know that your iPhone is recording your audio. When using voice memos, an orange dot always comes at the top section of the iPhone screen. This is a clear-cut indication that the microphone is currently in use. Controlling the iPhone mic is in your hands. You can turn it on or turn it off whenever you want to.


If you still have questions on how to turn off microphone on your iPhone, you can ask us, and we will guide you further and extensively about it. For privacy’s sake, you must turn off the mic and switch it on when there is a need to do so.

Exploring the iPhone functions will make it easier to know how to use the mic and when to turn it on and off. You can go ahead with the follow-up of this guide and control the iPhone mic properly. Muting and unmuting it, the power and control are in your hands. Stay tuned with us on this platform, and we will let you know each minute detailing about the iPhone microphones.

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