How to Record Vocals on an iPhone? A Simple Stepwise Guide

Have you ever dreamed of an amazing cell phone that is not only perfect in its features but also a savage introduction to your life? 

Just like others, you are also thinking about an iPhone, right? Besides the marvelous features of the iPhone and its unbeatable market worth, how would it sound to you that it is capable of recording pretty high-quality audio as well?

Now you can make your iPhone a go-to microphone. Although this is true to say that iPhone does not create an audio quality that matches the studio results, but if you still give it a chance, then you can have a lot of fun with the iPhone. 

If you aim to know how to record the vocals on an iPhone, then read this article. Here we will cover a stepwise procedure that will guide you in doing it, no matter what your project is. Further, here are some important tips to record the best quality audio with your iPhone. Go ahead!

A Stepwise Tutorial to Record the Vocals with iPhone

Want to record a new song or planning to create a small home studio? Let’s get started with your iPhone!

There are two common ways to record the vocals on an iPhone. You can pursue the process with the voice memos, which is a default iPhone application, or with an external application named GarageBand.

Let’s have a brief look at both of them!

1.     Recording the Audio Using Voice Memos

The best way to record individual tracks on an iPhone is using the native application of voice memos. If you haven’t tried it before, scroll ahead and do the magic!

  • Generally, all iPhones have a native voice memos application, but in case you do not find the one on your phone, then download it through the App store because it might be deleted mistakenly.
  • Open the application after downloading, and start recording the voice. Keeping the microphone at a reasonable distance from your mouth, press the red button to start the recording. Too close a microphone will affect the audio quality.
  • When you are done, stop recording by tapping the red button again. Now listen to your melodious voice at the top of the list of voice memos!
  • If you do not feel satisfied, don’t get panic and go with the editing option of the phone. For editing, rename the recording and tap on the 3 dots option.
  • Here, you find the edited recording, record the unsatisfied sections of the audio again and replace it with the original recording and then trim the excess recording.
  • Now export the audio to use in DAW software. Select the share option and let your friends be surprised by sharing it through email, messenger, or AirDrop, or save it to upload later!
  • Moreover, if you want to convert the recording to iTunes, then import the audio into iTunes, and after selecting the audio, transfer it to the mp3 version.

2.     Recording the Audio Using GarageBand

Are you a singer and an iPhone holder too? Then you must not let your voice soak in the air. Utilize your phone and show your talent to the world.

Besides using the default app of an iPhone, you can also use another application called GarageBand by downloading via Appstore to record the vocals with the best sound quality. Amazingly, this feature-rich app has the heart of many users, but we will only discuss how to record vocals on an iPhone via GarageBand.

Let’s read together!

  • Download the GarageBand application from the App store after searching for the app and selecting “Get”.
  • Now open the app and start recording the audio. Select the audio recorder option. If you are using the metronome, then this is recommended to use with the earphones. This will help to avoid distortion in the voice.
  • Press the red button to start recording and start singing. After completion of your recording, press the stop button.
  • Once you are done with the recording, you can edit the voice of your choice. You can change the tone, reverb the sound, control the pitch, compress the voice or drive the audio using the editing options available. You can add some other tracks to make the backing track.
  • Now export the edited version of the song in any of the desired formats, or you may save and share in the default m4a version.

All set to record the vocals on an iPhone!

Also Check: How To Record Best Youtube Content Through Microphone?

Significant Tips to Record the Vocals on an iPhone

If you are ready to record the vocals on an iPhone, then you must read some important tips that will guide you through recording better sound quality. 

Move ahead without further ado!

  • Place the base of your iPhone where the microphone is present, directly pointing towards the sound source. 
  • Do not keep the microphone too close to the sound source. Always maintain a distance to avoid any distortion. 
  • During recording the voice, try to keep your iPhone mute, or you can also turn the flight mode ON to avoid disturbance due to incoming notifications. 
  • Make sure nothing is blocking the microphone of the iPhone. For example, do not use the mobile cover while recording as it may block the voice, especially if the microphone is not at the base of the phone. 
  • Use the enhanced recording option in the voice memos to improve the audio quality. 
  • If you are unsure about the working of your iPhone microphone, or if you feel unsatisfied with the quality of the audio, then go for an external microphone. 
  • To avoid the heavy breaths to be recorded in the audio, you can use a windscreen. A windscreen will help in blocking unwanted sounds and loud noises around. 
  • Use recording applications by downloading through the App store, for example, GarageBand and Dolby, etc. The GarageBand is a little heavy application that requires about 2GB of space in the phone and requires the manual editing of the audio. While the Dolby application has an automated system to reduce the noise, and it also maximizes the sound level. 

Final Words 

We hope this article can help you to achieve better sound quality in your recording with the use of your iPhone. And now you have a better insight into how to record vocals on an iPhone? Make your musical projects worth listening to!

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