A situation such as an iPhone microphone not working is a haunting experience for many iPhone users, especially for those who entirely depend on in-built microphones. When faced such a situation, you need not lose your normality and try to remain sane so that you can try out either of the ways to rectify the problem. 

Below are some of the easiest steps or suggestions one can take into consideration when facing a similar situation. 

Have a glass of water and a notepad to pen down all the important takeaways from this piece of writing. Hopefully, it will prove beneficial to you in one way or the other. 

Let’s jump into the details! 

Get in Touch with the Apple Support Service or Customer Care Panel

It is the easiest thing you can do to calm your heart and stop your brain from mounds of worry. The best part is you don’t need to break the banks to make a call to the support service. 

Just a few dollars on your mobile will work best for you. 

All you need to do is visit their web page, note their contact number from the page, and then make a call to them or notify them with an email. You can inform them about whatever issues you are facing with your microphone. 

They will surely guide you through the whole process and tell you if the problem is with your device or that you have mishandled it, which has resulted in the defective sound quality.

Clean the Microphones of Your iPhones 

Have you ever met a guy who has his pocket money, mobile pin, and photocopy of a national identity card at the back of an iPhone cover? 

I am sure you must have been a friend of such a guy. Nearly every age group does the same nowadays. They place their cash and cards at the back of their mobile covers so that they will not lose them. 

Well, if you are facing issues with the microphone. You need to pay farewell to these essentials of yours and clean the back cover of your iPhone. 

Debris and dust particles accumulated on the mics also result in disruption of sound waves, which in turn result in distorted sound. Make sure you clear the microphone from all kinds of particles once you take off the back cover and protector. 

In the majority of cases, clearing out the debris and particles works positively for you. Good for you if your problem is the same! 

Work With Voice Memos Application if Your Voice is Distorted on Phone Calls

If your partner argues every time you talk to him over a phone call because of the poor quality of voice, then you can try your hands on the following steps to check if the problem is from your hand or theirs.

Have a look at the steps so that you can follow them later! 

  1. The first thing you are supposed to do is to sign in to the application named Voice Memos. 
  2. On the bottom side or middle, you will see a round, red button. Press this record button and utter any random thing. Whatever you say will be recorded. 
  3. After a moment, release the button. This will automatically stop the recording. 
  4. Play the saved recording and check if you can hear the sounds with clarity and without distortion or not. If yes, then the problem is with the device of the opposite party and not yours. If you don’t hear the voice clearly, there is something wrong with your device. 
  5. Once you detect that problem is with your device, make a quick call to the Customer Care Service of Apple and ask them for help. Follow their guidelines. Enjoy! 

Steps to Follow if Problem Occurs When You Use Speakerphones

Speakerphones are common and loved by most people. If you use them regularly, then you surely would not want them to create any trouble for you. 

Still, if they are creating issues for you, try out the following steps! 

  1. Go to the Camera and open it. Press the ‘Record’ button to record a short video. Make sure you continuously speak something while making a video. 
  2. Once you are done with the video recording, playback the video to see the sound quality. If you face any issue with the sound quality, then you must find a solution to the problem by contacting professionals. 
  3. For a more satisfying and unbiased decision, record multiple videos and check out the sound quality of all. If only one video has distorted sounds and others are doing well, it then means that the problem is with the video and not with the microphone. 
  4. Contact Apple Customer Care Service for further solutions to the problem. 

Steps to Follow When Microphone is Not Working With One of the Mobile Application 

Have you come across a notification that says ‘Allow ABC App to Have Access to Your Microphone’ whenever you install a new application on your phone? 

Such notification is backed by two straightforward options; deny and allow. If you deny access, you won’t be able to use the microphone whenever using the application. 

Don’t worry if you have previously denied permission. You still have time to reverse things for yourself. Just follow some simple steps! 

  1. Open settings. From there, click on privacy and then on the microphone (Settings > Privacy > Microphone). 
  2. Enable permission from there. Once permission is granted, you will not face any issues with the microphone while using this application. 
  3. If the problem remains the same even after granting permission, get in touch with the developers of that application. 

Final Statement 

The iPhone microphone not working is not a pleasant thing to hear for daily users of the iPhone. To lessen their stress, we tried to highlight all the easy steps that one can follow at home with minimum dollars being spent. Try out these next time if you face the same problem. Adieu

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